Raising expectations and creating a generation of new cadres with the 4th Congress

The congress of a communist organization is the place where the successes and failures in the development of the organization are collectively evaluated and the strategic directions for the next period are decided. It is the place where it is decided whether it will succeed in revolutionizing itself and orienting itself to the tasks ahead.

In order to fulfill this responsibility, the delegates of our organization came together from different regions of Germany from March 16-19, 2023 and successfully held the 4th Congress of Communist Construction (“Kommunistischer Aufbau”).

After an intensive preparatory and discussion phase of several months, the delegates at the congress evaluated in detail the past period since the 3rd congress and discussed the successes and problems of organizational development on the basis of the present report.

The diverse discussions on the political situation, the development of the organization and the tasks ahead were characterized by a high degree of unity in principle and an atmosphere of solidarity. All comrades present took part in the discussions with a high degree of discipline and seriousness, thus assuming their responsibility towards the organization.

In her speech in memory of the immortalized comrades during the congress, the comrade summed up the mood and motivation of the delegates at the congress: „When we look at ourselves here, we see an organization that takes its tasks seriously and puts cadre development on the agenda.

We see comrades who are ready to work on themselves, to overcome their fears and doubts, to break down their limits. We see an organization that has analyzed and recognized today’s necessities in the class struggle, that pushes party building forward and does not postpone it until some day, but will not lose any time in doing so.“

The decisions taken collectively now set the necessary course for further developing the organization in a planned manner in the coming years and for taking the necessary steps forward in party building.

Communist Program

After years of preliminary work through a quantitative as well as qualitative class analysis, which we have published in different steps of work since 2018, and a deeper understanding of strategy and tactics in the imperialist center today, the delegates of the 4th Congress adopted a first Communist Program of the organization.

The program summarizes the most important results of our elaborations and analyses of capitalism today in Germany and our tasks and central strategic orientations for our work toward socialist revolution in Germany. In doing so, the program reflects the current ideological state and the results of our investigations and analyses. In the coming period, it will be a matter of making this program known on the one hand and continuing to work on the strategic orientations for socialist revolution in Germany on the other.

Organizational Developement

The quantitative and qualitative growth of the organization and its various work areas and bodies has necessitated a number of changes in the way the organization operates and is structured. The Congress has decided on appropriate changes that will orient the structures of the organization towards further growth. For this purpose, a dynamic organizational framework is necessary, which is guided with the help of Democratic Centralism adapted to this development.

The tasks ahead in party building and the intensifying class struggles, as well as the escalating contradictions between the imperialists at the world level, necessitate further efforts in raising the ideological, political and organizational level at all levels of the organization.

The Congress also identified the need for new efforts in the development of targeted and continuous national and international contact and alliance work. This should overcome the rifts between the revolutionary and communist organizations and bring them together in joint real activities and ideological discussions and lead them to learn from each other and work out commonalities and differences.

In doing so, further potentials for party building on a national level are to be specifically included, as well as a fundamental understanding of revolutionary alliance work and solidarity as well as concrete orientations for our relationship to other relevant ideological poles in Germany are to be created.

Cadre development

The discussions on the further development of the organization focused on the question of cadre development. To this end, the Congress decided to expand the work of training new cadres at all levels and to systematically train and educate comrades to become professional revolutionaries. Both are necessary steps that will make further qualitative and quantitative growth of the organization possible.

The systematization and professionalization of the targeted development of cadres and the expansion of work on the revolutionary transformation of the bourgeois personality must be at the center of efforts. This includes in particular developing an all-round class consciousness, including conscious work on the development of gender consciousness and enemy consciousness to a higher level.

Women’s organization

In addition to general cadre development, the Congress decided to pay special attention to the cadre and personal development of the organization’s women and LGBTI+ comrades. Without special efforts to develop these comrades into communist cadres, they would likely be left behind in many cases due to the effects of societal patriarchal oppression and discrimination. This special work on the development of female cadres is at the same time a guarantee that the shortage of female cadres, which is particularly prevalent in this area, will be eliminated in the long term and that female cadres will continue to be represented at all levels and in all bodies in the future.

Through the in-depth examination of the currents and positions of bourgeois and postmodern feminism, the false conclusions and positions of these currents will be exposed and countered with our own communist positions. The results of this ideological work will then lead to the first Communist Women’s Conference. This should help to support the development of the women’s organization towards inner-organizational independence and the formation of its own women’s leadership.

Youth organization

For the youth organization, the congress has decided on special ideological work and work on the personality development of the youth comrades, in order to pass on skills and experience and to specifically advance their development. This should lead to the youth organization achieving its organizational independence and forming the necessary leadership structures of its own. Only when this step has been taken can it fulfill its task of forming the organization’s new generations of cadres to the full.

Related to this work is a deepening of the understanding of the functioning and tasks of the Communist Youth Organization based on the experience of the international Communist movement, especially the Communist Youth International.

The congress also decided to deepen the youth organization’s school work. To this end, the experiences gained so far are to be evaluated and concrete targets for development are to be set for the respective regions.

AgitProp & masswork

For the area of agitation and propaganda and mass work, the congress decided on a comprehensive evaluation and analysis of the status quo, including all strengths and weaknesses. Following this evaluation work, the entire area of agitation and propaganda and the various levels of mass work are to be further developed, professionalized and deepened in a targeted manner.

These tasks also result from the qualitative and quantitative growth of the organization in the past period. They are also the prerequisite for the organization to be able to penetrate ever wider sections of the working:inside class with its positions and its work, to be heard in them and to anchor itself in them.

Political resolutions

In addition to other resolutions and discussions that will not be published here, the Congress also discussed and adopted four political resolutions that summarize the direction of work in the coming period.

The resolution entitled „The Current Situation and Our Tasks“ briefly sets out our views and analyses of the current political situation in Germany and the world and names our current tasks in the class struggle.

The resolution on „Bolshevization as a Necessary Foundation for Party Building“ summarizes our positions on the greatest challenges in party building in Germany today. As a prerequisite for further steps in party building, we emphasize here the unity of the organization, professional revolutionaries as the backbone of the organization, and the creation of a communist way of working.

The resolution „Utilizing the Potentials of Scientific Socialism in the Struggle for Party Building“ emphasizes the importance of ideological and theoretical work as the foundation for correct communist work. In doing so, we emphasize that ideological work must be, on the one hand, a task of the entire organization and, on the other hand, also a part of mass work.

In the fourth resolution, entitled „Let’s fight for revolutionary solidarity and Marxist-Leninist unity at all levels!“ we address the tasks of our organization, which we see in working with all revolutionaries and communists outside our organization at the national and international levels.

We hope that the results of our collective efforts will support you, dear readers, in your revolutionary work and motivate you to jump existing borders.

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