Let‘s create memorial spaces for the murdered revolutionaries! Fallen revolutionaries are immortal!

In our struggle against exploitation and opression, in our fight against war and capitalism, for a free and socialist society the class enemy confronts...

Resolution: Develop communist work with women!

The patriarchy is the oldest form of oppression in the world. It‘s roots are going back to the primitive society during the development of private property. It lasted throughout all stages of humankind and evolved with them all the way to modern capitalism. These days it is anchored and widespread within society. In capitalism, we talk about the multiple oppression of the proletarian woman. On one hand women are suppressed because of her class affiliation, on the other hand they are suppressed by patriarchy.

Five years communist construction

Exactly five years ago, on the first of May 2014 our organization, the communist construction (Kommunistischer Aufbau), had its first public appearance.

For the Construction of a revolutionary and militant Workers’ Movement!

We do not only fight for the reconstruction of a Communist Party in Germany, as the working class’ necessary tool for its liberation, but...

Fighting actively against bourgeois Ideology on all Levels!

Considering the arena of ideological struggle there can be no mistake: Today, Marxism-Leninism is encircled by bourgeois theories of all sorts and forms. Particularly...

Resolution: Our international tasks

For us communists in the heart of the imperialist beast the struggles of our comrades all around the world are valuable experiences and an inexhaustible source for motivation.

Resolution: Utilizing the Potentials of Scientific Socialism in the Struggle for Party Building

As communists, we have decided of our own free will to declare war on the existing conditions, on the exploitation of man by man....

Resolution: Let us fight for revolutionary solidarity and Marxist-Leninist unity at all levels!

Both in Germany and internationally, the fragmentation of the Marxist-Leninist as well as revolutionary movement is one of the most striking features of its...

Resolution: Bolshevization as a necessary foundation for building the party

Every successful attempt at socialist revolution presupposes a Communist Party that is developed and hardened in the class struggle, a fighting party of a...

Raising expectations and creating a generation of new cadres with the 4th Congress

The congress of a communist organization is the place where the successes and failures in the development of the organization are collectively evaluated and...