Kategorie english

Building the Communist Party means creating Communist Cadres!

The current development of class struggle in Germany and all over the world shows the clearly intensifying contradictions between the imperialist countries and inside each of them. In Germany class struggles have also increased noticeably in recent years. Although the…

Fighting actively against bourgeois Ideology on all Levels!

Considering the arena of ideological struggle there can be no mistake: Today, Marxism-Leninism is encircled by bourgeois theories of all sorts and forms. Particularly influential are not only fascist and openly reactionary ideological movements but increasingly also those that camouflage…

Our International Tasks

Proletarian Internationalism and practical international solidarity are basic elements of Marxism-Leninism. Particularly in Germany, seeing the historical betrayal of these most fundamental principles by the SPD on the verge of World War I, we are painfully familiar with the consequences…

Interview with Red Initiative/Red Action from Serbia and Croatia

On February, 17th 2020 the organisations Red Initiative from Serbia (founded in 2002) and Red Action from Croatia (founded in 2008) announced their unification. We made an interview with the comrades on their work and the current situation in their…

With the second Congress forward on the path of revolution

From the 30. December 2018 till the 1. January 2019 the delegates of the organization from all the different regions of Germany have met and successfully held the 2. Congress of the Communist Construction (Kommunistischer Aufbau).

founding declaration Kommunistische Frauen

It is with pride and enthusiasm that we, the women of Kommunistischer Aufbau and Kommunistische Jugend, announce the founding of the organizational structure „Kommunistische Frauen“ (KF).

Resolution: Develop communist work with women!

The patriarchy is the oldest form of oppression in the world. It‘s roots are going back to the primitive society during the development of private property. It lasted throughout all stages of humankind and evolved with them all the way to modern capitalism. These days it is anchored and widespread within society. In capitalism, we talk about the multiple oppression of the proletarian woman. On one hand women are suppressed because of her class affiliation, on the other hand they are suppressed by patriarchy.

Resolution: Our international tasks

For us communists in the heart of the imperialist beast the struggles of our comrades all around the world are valuable experiences and an inexhaustible source for motivation.

Resolution: Fighting violence against women organized and with dedication!

Violence against women has many faces – may it be violence in marriage and partnership, sexual harassment or rape, stalking, women trafficking, violence experienced in prostitution or genital mutilation. It starts with ordinary flirting, with misogynous language, supposed jokes or slurs. When women are restricted in there freedom, whenever they have to avoid certain spaces, places or situations to guard against harassment and threats, that is a form of violence against women. One thing is common for all facets of violence against women: Their aim is to gain and secure power over women.

Five years communist construction

Exactly five years ago, on the first of May 2014 our organization, the communist construction (Kommunistischer Aufbau), had its first public appearance.

About the new police laws in Germany

Starting with the passing of a new police law in Bavaria in March 2018, Germany witnesses a campaign orchestrated by the Ministers of Interior of both the Federal Republic and the respective federal states. Their purpose is to widen the…

Why Communist Construction?

In times of a deep economic crisis, endless wars, global enviromental destruction and hunger, cries for a fundamental alternative to the prevailing barbarism can be heard from everywhere. The rebellions of the masses all over the world set in flames…

Defend Afrin! Defend the Rojava-Revolution!

On January 20th, 2018 the fascist Turkish regime started its long-time planned assault on the Kurdish region Afrin in North Syria Since that day the Rojava-Revolution is under fire by artillery, warplanes, dozens of tanks, thousands of Turkish soldiers and…

The October Revolution – 10 Lessons

The October Revolution raises one central question: ‚How could the working class lead by the Bolshevik conquer political power?‘ The answer: The Bolshevik fought the revolutionary class war according to a consistent political-military overall strategy. 1st lesson: Innovation as a…

Freedom for the Spanish Internationalists! The fight against ISIS is not a crime!

On Wednesday, January 27th, nine internationalists have been arrested on Spanish state territory. They are said to be militants of the communist organization ‘Partido Marxista-Leninista /Reconstrucción Comunista’ (Marxist-Leninist Party / Communist Reconstruction). In July 2015 two young members of this…