The October Revolution raises one central question: ‚How could the working class lead by...

The October Revolution raises one central question: ‚How could the working class lead by the Bolshevik conquer political power?‘ The answer: The Bolshevik fought the...

Let‘s create memorial spaces for the murdered revolutionaries! Fallen revolutionaries are immortal!

In our struggle against exploitation and opression, in our fight against war and capitalism, for a free and socialist society the class enemy confronts...

With the second Congress forward on the path of revolution

From the 30. December 2018 till the 1. January 2019 the delegates of the organization from all the different regions of Germany have met and successfully held the 2. Congress of the Communist Construction (Kommunistischer Aufbau).

About the new police laws in Germany

Starting with the passing of a new police law in Bavaria in March 2018, Germany witnesses a campaign orchestrated by the Ministers of Interior...

Neden Komünist İnşa?

Ekonomik krizin, sonu gelmeyen savaşların, evrensel doğa yıkımının ve açlığın yaşandığı bir dönemde her taraftan egemen barbarlığa temel bir alternatif oluşturmak için çığlıklar yükseliyor....

The political Situation and our Tasks

Development of the Political Situation Economy For the last two years, the world economy has been influenced by one of the worst economic crises capitalism has...

Resolution: Let us fight for revolutionary solidarity and Marxist-Leninist unity at all levels!

Both in Germany and internationally, the fragmentation of the Marxist-Leninist as well as revolutionary movement is one of the most striking features of its...

Building the Communist Party means creating Communist Cadres!

The current development of class struggle in Germany and all over the world shows the clearly intensifying contradictions between the imperialist countries and inside...

Resolution on the Kurdish resistance

In Turkey, the fascist dictatorship has been bombing cities, towns and villages for months with tanks and artillery. They are besieged. The special units...

Programmatic self-understanding

Today we live in a capitalist and patriachal class society, in which workers (proletariat) and capitalists (bourgeois) face each other in an unforgiving contradiction. Based on their contradicting objective interests as the exploited and exploiting class, they are waging constant and unconciliatory class war.