Building the Communist Party means creating Communist Cadres!

The current development of class struggle in Germany and all over the world shows the clearly intensifying contradictions between the imperialist countries and inside...

Resolution: Fighting violence against women organized and with dedication!

Violence against women has many faces – may it be violence in marriage and partnership, sexual harassment or rape, stalking, women trafficking, violence experienced in prostitution or genital mutilation. It starts with ordinary flirting, with misogynous language, supposed jokes or slurs. When women are restricted in there freedom, whenever they have to avoid certain spaces, places or situations to guard against harassment and threats, that is a form of violence against women. One thing is common for all facets of violence against women: Their aim is to gain and secure power over women.

2. kongresini gerçekleştirdi

Komünist İnşa (KA) örgütü, 2. Kongresi'ni gerçekleştirdiğini açıkladı. Kongrede, "Komünist Kadınlar"ın kuruluşu ilan edildi, program ve tüzük değişikliği yapılarak yeni dönemin görevleri belirlendi.

Freedom for the Spanish Internationalists! The fight against ISIS is not a crime!

On Wednesday, January 27th, nine internationalists have been arrested on Spanish state territory. They are said to be militants of the communist organization ‘Partido...

Our International Tasks

Proletarian Internationalism and practical international solidarity are basic elements of Marxism-Leninism. Particularly in Germany, seeing the historical betrayal of these most fundamental principles by...

The political Situation and our Tasks

Development of the Political Situation Economy For the last two years, the world economy has been influenced by one of the worst economic crises capitalism has...

Let‘s create memorial spaces for the murdered revolutionaries! Fallen revolutionaries are immortal!

In our struggle against exploitation and opression, in our fight against war and capitalism, for a free and socialist society the class enemy confronts...

Resolution: Develop communist work with women!

The patriarchy is the oldest form of oppression in the world. It‘s roots are going back to the primitive society during the development of private property. It lasted throughout all stages of humankind and evolved with them all the way to modern capitalism. These days it is anchored and widespread within society. In capitalism, we talk about the multiple oppression of the proletarian woman. On one hand women are suppressed because of her class affiliation, on the other hand they are suppressed by patriarchy.

Five years communist construction

Exactly five years ago, on the first of May 2014 our organization, the communist construction (Kommunistischer Aufbau), had its first public appearance.

For the Construction of a revolutionary and militant Workers’ Movement!

We do not only fight for the reconstruction of a Communist Party in Germany, as the working class’ necessary tool for its liberation, but...